Fundamentals of Yoga Therapy

8 Week Series with Ryan Cunningham

Monday April 22 - Monday June 17

(No Class on Memorial Day)

6-8 pm

Led Ryan Cunningham

In Person or Online 

An 8-week series asking the question... Is there such a thing as yoga therapy?!!

We'll spend 8 Mondays exploring practices, concepts, and principles of caring for ourselves through yoga. It is helpful to think of Yoga as consisting of embodiment practices (including asana), awareness practice, reflection (thinking), and prayer. This course will focus primarily on embodiment practice. 

While we will meet every Monday, students will be given practice homework and encouraged to explore the themes on their own between each session. Each session will consist of Meditation, Asana Practice and Discussion.

Recordings will be made available through the end of the summer.

Sliding Scale Pricing:

Contributing $176+

Sustaining $144 - $176

Supporting $120 - $144

Base $96 - $120

Please choose a pricing option that is workable for your budget at the time of booking. When you are able to choose a higher pricing option it goes a long way in helping us to keep these offerings affordable, and us alive and practicing. 

If you’d like to attend and money is a concern please contact us and we can discuss what’s possible.


If you have any questions please email for more details.