Lindsay Metz (she/her)

I've been teaching yoga in the Boston area since 2007. A lot of teachers tend to cite their inspiration for teaching as the first time they found a peaceful savasana, or were able to heal from an injury through their yoga practice. I honestly can't remember the first class I took as a student, but vividly remember the first class I taught. It was in a basement of a college dorm in downtown Boston, and it was intimidating and scary, but the most AMAZING experience - to have the opportunity to share this wealth of knowledge that I had really only skimmed the surface of understanding.

Since then, I have continued my practice of exploring movement, breath, and healing through different yoga practices - Anusara, Restorative, Yin, Vinyasa, Hatha, to name a few - and energy work such as Visionary Craniosacral and Acupuncture. I've also taken up the physical practice of Gyrokinesis, which I've found complements our yoga asana quite well.

For me, yoga is about noticing what's going on in our bodies and discovering what yoga means to each individual person. Our bodies change so dramatically from day to day, and our experience of each pose and shape can be meaningful and educational. Also, sometimes, it's just good to move and breathe—let that be enough!

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