Ryan Cunningham (they/she)

Dharma (yoga) practice sustains me. It helps me to understand myself and the world around me. It this way, it is a practical spiritual practice that supports me in living a purposeful life.

I practice dharma, hatha yoga, and various embodiment/spiritual practices. I am interested in applying these practices in modern life to be myself well, help folks, and hopefully be of service. Having taught and worked in many yoga/dharma centers over the past two decades, I am deeply interested in reimagining how these practices are presented, organized, and offered in culture.  BYC was started by Fez Aswat and me in order to teach independently and begin this process of reimagining.

The following is an incomplete list of adjectives that describe my understanding of my (relative) self at the moment of writing this: white, queer, transgender, transfemme, non-binary, middle-aged, introvert. I suspect some of these descriptors will shift - at least in terms of language - and some will not. Identity is often dismissed and downplayed in spiritual spaces. While I can understand the root of this misunderstanding, I strive to create a space that embraces a diversity of practitioners.

As a teacher, I try to offer what I have found helpful in my practice:

hatha yoga - with a therapeutic orientation

meditation - influenced primarily by tibetan buddhist practices.

dharma - to the degree to which i understand it.


Weekly Offerings

Upcoming Events with Ryan

1:1 Support

– Bodywork/Massage

– Individualized Practice Support

– Professional Mentorship