Summer Retreat

5-Day Retreat with Fez + Ryan

Friday 6-7 pm (Online for Everyone) 

Saturday - Wednesday 12-15pm

Led by Fez + Ryan

In Person at The Arlington Center for Yoga or Online 

Friday Aug 2 – Wednesday Aug 7

Bringing back an old summer tradition –  we, Fez and Ryan, will be hosting our annual “It’s August in Boston and nothing could be better” 5 Day meditation retreat. We will kick off the month of relative cultural quietude with our favorite form of internal quieting  - sitting around and “doing nothing together.”

We will all meet online for a brief orientation on August 2nd from 6-7pm – which we will record for those who can’t make it.

For the next 5 days, we will gather in-person or online at the Arlington Center for practice. Priority will be given to folks who can sign up for the full 5 days. Beginning in July – if there is space – we will open up Saturday and Sunday for weekend only registration.

Each day, we will include the following: 

  • Meditating

  • Optional time for movement practice

  • Talking/Connecting

Rotating between these practices throughout our daily schedule will allow us to include, reflect on, and apply the themes of our practice year as it fits with this time of year. 

In case you are new to BYC, these are the themes we have been exploring in practice and as teachers this year: 

  • Four Foundations of Mindfulness

  • The helpfulness of a Mahayana view

  • Application of yoga dharma teachings to contemporary North American life

  • The benefit of regarding yoga and dharma as A view rather than THE view

  • Practice as a Fundamentally Creative Endeavor 

  • The potential of the imaginative/generative mind in practice

  • Cultivating a restful presence as a foundation for awareness practice. 

  • The joy of practicing with others 

Our hope is that these 5 days of practice will be a supportive environment to rest and reflect on the year so far. 

Sliding Scale Pricing:

Contributing $550+

Sustaining $475--$550

Supporting $400-$475

Base $375-$400

We operate with a tiered pricing scale.  The ranges are merely a suggestion, fundamentally we want you to offer what you are able. When you are able to offer more, it goes a long way towards helping us keep these offerings affordable in the face of rising expenses. Even offering $10 more than the base price is helpful.

If you’d like to attend a program and money is a concern please contact us and we can discuss what’s possible. If you’d like to help someone cover the cost of a program we can also help with that! Our email is


Folks are welcome to participate online or in-person. If you have any questions, please email for more details.