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Four Foundations of Mindfulness Course

Satipatthana Sutta

4 Foundations of Mindfulness Online Course

with Fez Aswat

September 17 - December 10

Tuesdays 5:15-6:45 pm


Want to Learn More about the course?!

Sliding Scale

Contributing $550+

Sustaining $475-$550

Supporting $400-$475

Base $375-$400

We operate with a tiered pricing scale.  The ranges are merely a suggestion, fundamentally we want you to offer what you are able. When you are able to offer more, it goes a long way towards helping us keep these offerings affordable in the face of rising expenses. Even offering $10 more than the base price is helpful.

If you’d like to attend a program and money is a concern please contact us and we can discuss what’s possible. If you’d like to help someone cover the cost of a program we can also help with that! Our email is

August 22

queering practice

September 26

queering practice