Hatha Yoga Teacher Student Training

Personal Practice + Yoga Therapy

8-month Hybrid Program with Ryan Cunningham

Hatha Yoga Training

Personal Practice + Yoga Therapy

Facilitated by Ryan Cunningham

Sept 2025 – April 2026


5:15pm (optional) Meditation

6-8:15 pm Practice, Discussion and General Nerdery


The primary purpose of this training is to help each participant view their personal relationship with hatha yoga as a part of a well-rounded practice of (spiritual) wellness. The emphasis will continually be on a therapeutic orientation to asana practice.

Want to Learn More?

Schedule a quick all with Ryan to see ask any questions you have about the course!

Course Schedule


Optional Meditation 5:15-6 pm

Class 6-8:15 pm

Semester I

Sept 30 – Dec 16

Semester II

Jan 6 – Mar 10

Semester III

Mar 31 – June 16

All classes will be taught in a hybrid format. Recordings will remain available through 12/31/2025

Meet Your Teachers

Ryan Cunningham


Ryan has been practicing and teaching for over 15 years. They view the practice as both an experience of, and a path towards cultivating wellness through the practice of embodiment, meditation, prayer, and reflection.

Tiered Tuition

In keeping with our pricing policy at BYC, we offer this training with a Tiered Tuition model. Please choose a pricing option that is workable for your budget at the time of applying. When you are able to choose a higher pricing option it goes a long way in helping us to keep this training affordable.


$2400 or 8 Payments of $300


$2000 or 8 Payments of $250


$1600 or 8 Payments of $200


$1200 or 8 Payments of $150

You do not have to decide on a tuition option until you receive your acceptance letter and choose to enroll

who is this course for?

  • People looking to reconnect to their movement/asana practice

  • People looking to explore yoga asana from a therapeutic lens

  • Teachers looking to immerse themselves in practice

  • People interested in exploring anatomy in the context of yoga practice

Get In Touch

Let us know if you have any questions or would like to schedule a time to briefly discuss the program or simply fill out the Application